Hash value, paper. Dimension variable. 2022

每次打開一個新的文件或者繪圖軟體中的新圖檔,我們面對的總是一塊空白,無限的創意與想像都發展自這一片空白,《空白 NFT》提出的疑問是:這個空白檔案從何來?作品以 NFT 發佈在以太坊並同時採取 CC0 宣告。該檔案的雜湊值被單面印刷在 A1 尺寸的白紙上,白紙的另一面完全留白,共印刷 1000 份堆置於棧板上供觀眾任意索取「加密的空白檔案」。
Each time we create a new document or new file in graphics softwares, we always get a blank. Endless creativity and imaginations thrive on the blank. Blank NFT questions where does the blank come from. This work was published as NFT on Ethereum and with CC0 license. A thousand copies of A1 papers——with one side left blank, and the other side printed with the hash value of the blank file——are the “encrypted blank files” for the audience to collect for free.
This work is commissioned by Taipei Digital Art Center