Programming language, Printer, Real-time generated image. Dimension variable. 2022

又是一個無聊的日子,囚犯們又在一起講笑話。首先是囚犯 A 說:「在座各位都記得 87 號笑話吧!」大家想了一下,紛紛癡笑。接著輪到囚犯 B:「我要說的是,55 號笑話!」所有人聽了馬上笑倒在地。
囚犯 C 站了起來:「好了大家聽我說,101 號笑話才是最好笑的吧!」囚犯們又開始想這個笑話,東笑西笑的,其中囚犯 D 笑得特別瘋癲,大家就問他怎麼笑成這樣, 囚犯 D:「因為這笑話我之前沒聽過啊哈哈哈哈哈哈哈。」
藝術家事先蒐集大量迷因模板,透過程式不斷填入內容產生新的迷因,串連 Twitter 應用程式介面,實時發布每個新製造出的迷因。在展場中不斷列印迷因的印表機,就像一台算命機(fortune teller machine),隨時為觀眾提供迷因籤詩。
Memes, as a gene of culture, present contexts that can be recognized beforehand; as a tool of communication, memes possess a tendency of reproduction which is the reason why they spread virally. Each reproduction or derivative of memes is meaningful. The originals merely set contexts, while the derivatives produce new meanings through the contexts. The nature of memes is an encoding system, just like the joke “Joke Number” reveals:
Once upon a time, there was a group of exiled prisoners on an abandoned island. They told jokes to kill time. However, the jokes were always the same which bored them gradually.
One Day, one suggested: “Hey guys, I came up with a way of joke-telling. We should give every joke a number so that we don’t need to tell from the beginning ever since.” They all thought this was a good idea.
On another boring day, prisoners gathered together again to share jokes. First came Prisoner A: “Buddies, you all remember Joke No.87, right?” the prisoners thought for a second then started giggling. The next turned to Prisoner B: “The joke I am going to tell you is Joke No.55!” All of them immediately burst into laughter.
Prisoner C stood up and said: “Everybody listen to me, Joke No.101 is the best!” They thought about the joke and laughed. Among them, Prisoner D was the one who laughed most crazily. When asked what drove him so crazy, “Cuz I never heard this joke before! HAHAHAHAHAHA!” said D.
The artist first collects a lot of meme templates and then fills contents into the templates with a program, creating new memes constantly. A Twitter account is connected to the program, tweeting each newly-generated meme. The printer in the exhibition works as a fortune teller machine, continuously providing the audience with fortune memes.
This work is commissioned by Taipei Digital Art Center