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〈Confession, Yes!〉展示網路空間景觀地貌,表面上它是開放的運行模式,然後我們可以自己投入到這個虛擬空間裡高速的飄移和滑行。但由數據資料產生的敘事地景,看起來是一個開放的互動空間,但它卻是以層層密碼在此形成封閉廻路。
當使用者進入時,才能執行「存取、讀寫、輸出」。 網路空間定義了一種表現方式,它是由人所建構的數據資料地景(datascape),進而產生敘事。
Confession, Yes! puts the landscape of cyberspace on display. On the surface, it is an open operation mode, allowing us to drift and slide at high speeds within this virtual space. But while this data-generated narrative landscape seems to be an open interactive space, it forms a closed circuit through layers of codes.
When users enter, they can only execute “access, read/ write, output.” Cyberspace has defined a certain mode of expression, a manmade datascape that generates narratives. The meaning of its existence is metaphysical, far beyond materiality.
It symbolizes that humans and the world are connected through a computer network to form a symbiotic alliance. The online world has become humankind’s ultimate venue for confession.